Mentorship Program for Self-Contained Special Education Teachers

I have created a mentorship new program to support other self-contained special education teachers in the field. For years I did special education alone and felt like I was on an island!

I cannot wait to show you what we can do together!

You’ll notice that, the phrase “better together” will be on everything I do, let me explain why.

Full Sped Ahead Mentorship Program!

My Mentorship Journey

I was a newer teacher in a brand new school. They gave me a mentor that was on her way to retire that year… let’s face it, we all can picture the apathetic conversations and lack of luster for special education in her voice. 

It was a miserable year for me. I talked to my co-worker and friend that was hired at the same time. So, here we were, us two new teachers fumbling our way through the school year. No, really I mean it. We tried and failed miserably together.

Meeting with Administration

The following year, my assistant principal asked me to meet her in her office at the end of a school day. I reluctantly went into her office. Scared out of my mind. I had no idea what she was going to say.

She asked me, and I’ll never forget it, ‘Do you have any other interests or hobbies? Are you sure you want to be a teacher?’ She continued to explain that she didn’t see a future for me in special education – like at all. She even laughed when she said she was surprised I wanted to become a teacher in the first place.

I was devastated. 

I have wanted to be a special education teacher since 6th grade. This was my passion. I needed to be in special education.

Now what?

I spent the rest of that year busting my butt and meeting with every coordinator in the district. I met with a Reading Coordinator, Assistive Technology Coordinator, STEM Teacher and Instructional Coach nearly every week. 

Nothing changed. At the end of the year, my administration asked me to resign. That’s when I told them they had to fire me. I was not going to let them off so easily.

I spent the entire year trying to learn everything ALONE. No support from my colleagues, or administration. I did it all myself. 

I can help you with The Mentorship!

This is why we need to be BETTER TOGETHER!

If any of this resonates with you, just know you don’t have to do special education alone. I want to be here to support you. 

Whether you already have a mentor at your school or not, I never want any other professional to feel the way that I felt that year. I had to work to find my love for teaching again, and I never want you to feel that way.

Check out the Mentorship Program here!

I’d love for you to take a moment and sign up for the program! We will be starting soon! Doors are open now, but not for long!

Want to know more about me, click here!

Full Sped Ahead Mentorship Program!

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