Using A Kids Book About in Special Education Classes

What is a Kids Book About?

From the A Kids Co. Website: “We started with telling stories in books to 5-9 year-olds. We now tell stories through words, video, audio, and beyond for kids of all ages. To put it plainly, we’re a kids media company.

We’re here to tell stories that empower kids, hence our new tagline: “Made to Empower.” Empowerment can also be about learning to love yourself, or love someone who doesn’t look, sound, think, or act like you. These books can be about overcoming trauma, or understanding what trauma is.

Empowerment can be about finding your passion.  It can be about just getting through the day. Kids are people, too. They have real experiences, thoughts, and ideas. We (grownups that is) have to do away with “I’ll tell you when you’re older”, “You wouldn’t understand”, “We don’t talk about that”, or worst of all “Grow up.”  “

A Kids Book About focuses on sharing and telling stories to kids that may have difficult topics for even us adults to talk about.

What books do they have?

Here are various titles, but not limited to:

  • Racism
  • Anxiety
  • Immigration
  • Cancer
  • Death
  • Autism
  • Disabilities
  • Money
  • Gender
  • Climate Change
  • Adoption
  • Addiction
  • Suicide
  • Divorce
  • so much more!!

What books do I use in my classroom?

Here are some of my favorite books that I use in my special education classroom. I honestly could have chosen all of them since they’re amazing!

A Kids Book About books helps me have difficult conversations with my students by explaining what the topic means, how they are impacted by it and what they can do to make the world a better place. It has really given us various insightful conversations.

How can I get my own?

  1. Go to the A Kids Co. Website
  2. Shop for all the books you want
  3. Put in the special code: FULLSPED21 for $5 off your order (shipping)
  4. Enjoy your books with your students!

Here’s 10 books teachers should read!

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