Writing IEPs More Intentionally & Collaboratively as a Team
That’s right. You don’t have to be writing IEPs alone, and you shouldn’t be. Your student’s IEP Team is made up of many people, all of whom hold valuable data, expertise, and experiences that will help shape and mold what the child’s IEP will be.
6 Professional Development for Special Education Teachers
As educators, our journey of learning never ends. Just as we encourage our students to strive for growth and improvement, it’s equally important for us, as teachers, to continuously seek out professional development for special education teachers. Here’s why investing in professional development for special education teachers are crucial for our growth and effectiveness in the classroom:
4 Ways To Bring Behavior Professional Development To Your School
The field of behavior is growing! There’s enough information to go around. With a little creativity, I know you can find the support you need, so you can support your students!
6 Free Professional Development for Special Education Teachers
Teachers should consider listening to podcasts or YouTube videos as a valuable source of free professional development. Podcasts and YouTube videos feature real professionals who understand the challenges educators face in the classroom.
Boom Cards and Task Cards: What Is The Difference?
Teachers are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage and support their students’ learning. Two popular resources that have gained prominence in recent years are Boom Cards and task cards. While both serve as valuable tools for instruction, they offer distinct features and benefits. In this guide, we’ll explain what Boom Cards and task cards are, compare and contrast their characteristics, and explore how they can enhance students’ learning experiences.
Play Based Learning Magic in Special Education
The magic of play based learning education can occur in a variety of settings. My personal favorite way to integrate play and education at the same time is through a dramatic play center!