What is Dyslexia in Special Education Classrooms?

A staggering 20% percent of Americans have dyslexia that is 14.5 to 43.5 million. Dyslexia is a learning disability that makes it difficult to read, write, and spell no matter how hard the person tries or intelligent he or she is. This makes it difficult to comprehend while reading and this can impede vocabulary growth. 

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uest Blogger: Jenn TITLE: Teaching Life Skills for Kids in School

Teaching Life Skills for Kids in School

We, as special needs teachers, are facilitators of our student’s experiences. We need to be teaching life skills to students of any age! I often find myself making things simple for my students because they “have it hard enough as it is.” I don’t give them the opportunity to feel frustrated, struggle or even fail.

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5 Questions About Special Education Evaluations

Thinking your child needs an evaluation can sound scary, but I can assure you it doesn’t have to be. Whether you’re experiencing a new issue or battling a problem for a long time, requesting an evaluation may be the right move. It’s easier to understand than you think, so here’s my guide answering the most frequently asked questions. 

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Make Your Own Curriculum Guide for Special Education

The benefit to having a curriculum guide ready to go at the start of the school year is that it saves so much time figuring out what to teach each month. You’re able to pull up the document really quickly and begin creating lessons based on what you came up with. If you’re wanting to do this for next year to be a step ahead, keep reading to read some easy steps to making it!

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