Why You Need A Paraprofessional Binder for Special Education

Managing a team is one of the most difficult duties of a special education teacher. I remember thinking, no one taught me how to manage adults! Supporting adults is a HUGE part of our job as special educators. It’s important to build a strong team to have a successful year. Implementing a paraprofessional binder in your classroom can be super helpful!

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How To Prepare For An Extended Absence As A Teacher

While I hope you never experience an emergency absence, I hope this list helps you prepare for the worst. Most importantly, you need to remind yourself that the classroom will continue to run without you. As much as you would want to be there, your students will be safe and okay without you.

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9 Ways to Adapt Curriculum in Special Education

Adapting curriculum is an ongoing dynamic process that modifies and adapts the program of studies to meet the learning requirements of a student with special needs. It enables the teaching team to welcome learners of all abilities and ensures that every student is challenged to learn.

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