Benefits of Errorless Learning Tasks

Errorless learning is crucial in every classroom. It opens up so many opportunities for students who struggle to succeed. It allows students to be successful and gain independent skills. Not to mention the amount of confidence students feel when they independently complete a task!

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Why a Baseline Assessment is Critical for Special Education Students

As special education teachers, we understand the importance of providing individualized instruction to our students. One powerful tool that can help us tailor our teaching to meet their specific needs is the use of a baseline assessment. These assessments serve as a starting point to understand students’ current abilities and guide our instructional planning. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of assessments and how they can be effectively used to individualize instruction. We will also highlight a valuable resource, the Kindergarten Basic Skills Special Education Assessment available on Teachers Pay Teachers.

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Setting Boundaries Politely for Special Educators: A Guide to Guarding Your Time

Setting Boundaries Politely for Special Educators: A Guide to Guarding Your Time

Hey there, amazing speducators! I hope you’re having a good day, a manageable week, and a rewarding school year so far. Today, I’ve got something special I want to chat with you about – setting boundaries. Trust me, I know this is something we’ve all wrestled with at some point or another. Teaching is tough, and when you’re navigating the world of special education, it can be even tougher.

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