Favorite Back to School Activities: 6 Resources for Special Education Teachers

The first weeks of school are a crucial time for all students. You should have back to school activities ready to go. These weeks hold particular significance for special education students. These initial weeks set the tone for the entire school year and provide the foundation for their success. As special education teachers, it is essential to have effective systems and strategies in place to ensure that these students feel supported, understood, and empowered from the very start.

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Growth in Literacy Skills: 5 ELA Curricula for Special Education

When it comes to supporting struggling learners in the realm of English Language Arts (ELA) and literacy skills, special education teachers need comprehensive and effective curricula designed to meet their students’ unique needs. In this blog post, we will explore five outstanding ELA curricula that have proven to be highly beneficial for special education classrooms.

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15 Children’s Books About Special Ed Disabilities

Children’s books that feature characters with disabilities can help promote acceptance, understanding, and inclusion in the classroom. By reading these books to their students, teachers can teach children about the challenges faced by people with disabilities, while also showing that they are no different from anyone else.

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5 Extended School Year (ESY) Special Ed Activities

As the school year comes to a close, it’s time to start thinking about extended school year (ESY) activities for your special education students. ESY is a program designed to help students with disabilities maintain the skills they have learned during the school year and to prevent regression over the summer. ESY can be a fun and engaging way for students to continue learning while enjoying the summer months.

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