10 Strategies for AAC Learning to Empower Parents at Home

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems play a vital role in helping individuals with communication challenges express themselves effectively. Special education teachers recognize the importance of not only implementing AAC in the classroom but also fostering AAC learning use at home. By empowering parents to support AAC, teachers can enhance a child’s communication skills and overall development. In this blog post, we’ll explore how special education teachers can collaborate with parents to facilitate AAC at home.

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4 Special Education State Testing Tips and Tricks

Are you a teacher or parent of a student with special needs who is preparing for state testing? If so, you know that this can be a stressful and overwhelming time. But don’t worry, we’ve got some tips and tricks to help you and your student navigate the testing process and succeed.

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4 Math Instructional Strategies for Special Educators

I’m excited to introduce this week’s guest blogger, Juliana from CollaboratEd! She is here to talk about math instructional strategies! She is passionate about students who struggle with math. Juliana is a General Ed math teacher. She also has been a co-teacher, and have always taught the high school math intervention classes.

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Strong Parent Communication in Special Education

It is essential that teachers are intentional about parent communication. Whether you are a first year teacher or veteran teacher, parent communication is a must. Teachers and parents need to be on the same team, and here’s some ways to help you get started with parent communication and collaboration!

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