How to Use Measurement Tools to Teach Fractions
As a special education teacher, I am responsible for teaching my students fractions! Here is how I teach fractions with every day tools!
As a special education teacher, I am responsible for teaching my students fractions! Here is how I teach fractions with every day tools!
These terms (routines and procedures) are often used interchangeably but they are not the same. Simply put – a procedure is a specific way of getting something done and a routine is a regularly followed action. Routines and procedures are the foundation of your classroom. They are expectations for all parts of your classroom. They must be taught and reviewed regularly.
Functional life skills are the skills that are necessary for daily living and for establishing quality of life. These are the skills that if not done by an individual him or herself, others will have to do.
How should you decide how to deliver your instruction to your students? The short answer is to see what your students respond to the most. Do what works for them! Delivery of instruction can be different in every special education classroom, you just have to see what works!
Introduction I’m excited to introduce this week’s guest blogger – Abby from Mrs. Moe’s Modifications to talk all about what is core vocabulary in the
Fine motor skills are needed for everything that we do every single day! If you’re in special education, most of your students are most likely working on fine motor activities. From tracing to writing. From typing to tying shoes. Your students need to progress in how they use their hands!
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