Sensory Tools for Autism

10 Best Sensory Tools for Autism Special Education Classrooms

In this blog post, I’m excited to share my top 10 favorite sensory tools for autism that have proven to be invaluable in my classroom. These tools not only support sensory regulation but also promote positive behavior, enhance learning experiences, and foster a sense of calm and comfort for all students. Let’s dive in and explore these must-have resources that can transform your teaching practice and create a more inclusive learning environment. Disclaimer: These links include affiliate links in which I make pennies for your purchase.

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AAC and Predictable Chart Writing Strategies

AAC and Predictable Chart Writing Strategies

AAC and Predictable chart writing offers a powerful and inclusive strategy for supporting students in the writing process. By providing a structured framework and leveraging the benefits of AAC, teachers can empower their students to express themselves, participate actively in classroom activities, and develop essential literacy skills.

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6 Professional Development for Special Education Teachers

As educators, our journey of learning never ends. Just as we encourage our students to strive for growth and improvement, it’s equally important for us, as teachers, to continuously seek out professional development for special education teachers. Here’s why investing in professional development for special education teachers are crucial for our growth and effectiveness in the classroom:

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