There are many things on our teacher plate this year. We have to keep up with the curriculum, collaborate with families, track data, and do IEP paperwork still on time. I rarely have time for virtual check ins.
Oh, and just when we think we have it all figured out, let’s change from in person to virtual.
I hear you. You are struggling with checking in with students throughout the day! Here are some tips that have helped me find the balance.
I’ve had such a hard time checking in with everyone throughout the week, but there are small pockets of time in the day for check ins.

Before School Check Ins
I have the first 20 minutes before school where I log in and have a student or parent come on early to check in or chat.
I specifically use this time for SEL student check ins to listen to their concerns, frustrations or emotions. This time is dedicated for students and making sure they are mentally in a good state.
I also use this time for parents to log in early to give me an update about what is happening at home, how I can help and what their concerns or frustrations are.
As much as I am there to support students’ SEL, I’m here to support parents as well. I realize many of them are isolated and feeling alone or trapped talking to their children all day. Some parents just need another adult to talk to.
I have created a sort of friendship with a few parents this year which has helped build a sense of trust from teacher to parent.
Here’s what to do if your students seem to be giving up!
After School
I also use the last 30 minutes up to an hour of the school day specifically used for:
- Progress Monitoring Check Ins
- IEP Goals Check Ins
My students stay on the computer at the end of the day so that I can quick check their goals. I can have a student write, read, calculate, point, say, show me whatever the goal maybe. I have even shared my screen and had students respond to questions on Boom Learning and boom cards
If you want to know more about Boom Cards, check out this blog post!
There are many ways that you can track IEP goals virtually. I specifically use Google Forms to track Data and make sure that I keep track of every student’s individualized goals.
Typically, I keep 2-3 students on my call at the end of the day if I haven’t been able to track their progress virtually throughout the school day. This helps me get through all my students by the end of the week!
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