I’m excited to introduce this week’s guest blogger, Meaghan from Age Appropriate Sped to talk all about work-based learning opportunities!

What are Work Based Learning Opportunities?
“Work Based Learning (WBL) is a strategy that provides students with real-life work experiences where students can use academic and technical skills and develop their employability.” In other words, “work based learning deliberately merges theory with practice and acknowledges the intersection of explicit and tacit forms of knowing.” Raelin (1997)
Community Work Based Learning Opportunities:
- Apprenticeship/Internship/Mentorship: This student has the highest level of independence. The student learns in a realistic environment. They get the opportunity to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.
- Job Shadowing: By following the employee, the student gets familiar with the duties and responsibilities associated with that specific job.
- Business Field Trip: Students gain awareness of the various career opportunities.
- Cooperative Education: In cooperative education, the work experience is planned with the technical classroom instruction.
School-Based Work Based Learning Opportunities:
Similarly, you can have school-based learning! What is school-based learning?
School-Based Enterprise: A school-based enterprise is a simulated or actual business run by the school. It offers students a learning experience by letting them manage the various aspects of a business.
Students with disabilities who are not planning to attend college should participate in WBL programs in high school and transition. For example, on-campus WBL, such as in-class coffee shops and school stores can provide the building blocks for a successful future. Therefore, Community WBL, the highest level of work-based learning, gives students real-world experiences at actual businesses right in their neighborhoods.
There are many additional skills a student can gain from entering their community and participating in an off-campus worksite. In addition to the curriculum, community WBL provides an opportunity for students to interact with colleagues and supervisors to help prepare them for life after high school.
Looking for ideas on transition planning for your students? Check out this post!
Why is it important?
First of all, access to work based learning opportunities allows students to enhance their career research and planning, ultimately paving the way for them to meet their future goals. Work-based learning offers the capability to present opportunities to help students determine if their interests lead to a good career fit.
For example, students work with a teacher (job coach) to complete job tasks that will hopefully fade into independence and a future job! WBL is a great way to help prepare students to age out of services and transition into the workforce.
Which students should participate in work based learning opportunities?
ALL STUDENTS who can be safe and appropriate in the community should get an opportunity to participate in WBL programs.
The overarching goal of course is to gain employment or supported employment. For students who are unable to do that, WBL greatly increases independence and further builds on life skills. WBL will let students use those life skills that you have been drilling for years!
How do you build community partnerships?
First of all, my advice is to get yourself organized, prepare all the information about your program in a professional pamphlet, and include any legal information from your school. If you want local businesses to take your pitch seriously, you need to show them that YOU are serious about it.
In my experience, community work based learning opportunities are an amazing program for the students and the community. Furthermore, many of our students have been offered full-time positions after participating in Work Based Learning Opportunities programs. They have had a positive impact on ending stigmas around people with disabilities in the workforce!
Looking for ideas on transition planning for your students? Check out this post!
Don’t forget! Looking for ideas on transition planning for your students? Check out this post!
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